General Grants are for organisations offering a social service. Our definition of social services is listed below. If you do not see your organisation/kaupapa reflected in this list, you are unlikely to get funding from us. If you are unsure, please get in touch with Chiara:
- Direct access e.g. food banks, food rescue, food distribution – organisations that help people meet a significant portion of their daily nutritional needs
- Does not include community gardens that only provide gardening space, instruction on how to grow food etc.
- Intervention and prevention of interpersonal violence and abuse
- Does not include community safety work such as community patrols, swim classes, fire safety education etc.
- Emergency and transitional housing providers
- Healthy housing initiatives
- Does not include housing development
- Clothing
- Laundry, showers, hygiene
- Driving education, drivers’ licences
- Digital devices
- Budget advice and financial mentoring/management
- Programmes that provide pathways to employment e.g. apprenticeships
- Career readiness programmes e.g. CV help, interview skills, volunteering
- Does not include apprenticeship programmes through alternative education providers, charter schools, state schools
- Community-based counselling and/or psychotherapy
- Community-based peer support (provided by a peer-support-specific service)
- Does not include social, sport, or art-based activities or services that promote mental health (e.g. community arts spaces, sport clubs etc.)
- Does not include any community mental health services provided by Health NZ or any hospital-based mental health services
- Individual or group mentoring and support from professional youth workers
- Does not include youth sport, arts, science etc. programmes
- Does not include adventure camps, youth social groups, religious youth groups etc.