WCT is today launching our new funding strategy; working towards our Vision: Thriving Communities Across the Wellington Region.
What is a funding Strategy?
Our funding strategy is the way we decide how to give out grants. We know, from the research we commissioned recently, that there are communities in our region that experience exclusion, inequality, and disadvantage; and we want to fund work that supports equity and inclusion in our communities.
What’s changed?
Our funding has historically been spread across a broad cross-section of communities, initiatives, and events. Whilst we still offer our funding to many types of initiatives/projects, we are now doing this with the addition of what we call our ‘equity lens’.
We are also creating more opportunity for strategic granting – such as larger grants, grants supporting collaborative relationships, and proactively seeking initiatives that align with our ambitions – as is the case with He Rau Aroha. He Rau Aroha is focussed on supporting Māori-led initiatives that specifically advance the aspirations of Mana Whenua, Taura Here, and other Māori groups in the Wellington region.
What’s the equity lens?
The equity lens means we will be prioritising funding to initiatives/projects that support equity and inclusion in our communities. Equity to us means people have what they need to survive and succeed – access to opportunity, resources, networks, and supports, that enable them to thrive. Inclusion to us means everyone can participate in activities and opportunities that are meaningful for them.
Priority population groups and locations
Research indicates that the following populations and locations experience the most disadvantage and exclusion in the Wellington region. WCT will prioritise applications that serve and are led by:
Members of these population groups:
People who are part of communities living in these locations: