Ko tā te puāwaitanga mai o He Rau Aroha he whakaatu i te ruruku o WCF kia āwhina, kia kōkiri anō i ngā wawata o te Mana Whenua me ngā Taura Here o te rohe. Mehemea he rōpū koutou kua pūtake mai i te kaupapa Māori, e whakawhanake ana hoki i ngā wawata o te iwi Māori, kei te pīrangi mātou ki te rongo i a koe. Tuku Īmēra, karanga, pātuhi rānei ki tō mātou Kaitakawaenga Māori, Sara Norling. Ka mahi tahi a Whetū ki a koe kia kite mēnā ka taea e te puna pūtea o WCF te āwhina i a koe.

The establishment of He Rau Aroha is an expression of Wellington Community Fund’s commitment to assist and advance Māori aspirations for Mana Whenua and Taura Here in the region. If you’re a group that is Māori-led, doing work that supports the development of Māori aspirations, we would love to hear from you. speak with our Kaitakawaenga Māori, Sara Norling. They will work with you to see how WCF funding could help you.

Please contact our Kaitakawaenga Māori – Sara Norling sara@wellingtoncommunityfund.org.nz to discuss your work.

Pānui mō te roanga atu o He Rau Aroha / Read more about He Rau Aroha:

Ngā pātai e kaha kitea ana / FAQs

Ko ngā whakahaere me ana mahi kua aratakina e te Māori ko te tūpono pea;

  • Mā te Māori, Mō te Māori
  • Ka taka rawa mai he hua pai ki te iwi Māori i ana putanga
  • Ko te kawenga e whakamahia ana, he kaupapa Māori
  • Ka mahi tahi ki te whakatinana i ngā wawata o te Māori kia ora ai hei Māori
  • Kia tū pai hei kirirau o te ao kia ora mai i te maungārongo me te mauri ora
  • Kia whakaū i te whai wāhitanga o te Māori ki te mana kōwhiri
  • Kia ū ki te mauri ora o ngā putanga e haere ake nei

Hei wāhanga o tētahi rautaki kōkiri mō te mahi tuku pūtea, kei te aro pū a He Rau Aroha ki te tautoko i ngā kaupapa e taunaki ana i te Mana Whenua, ngā Taura Here me ētahi atu hapori Māori puta noa i te pane o te ika. Mō ētahi atu whakahaere ahurea-rua, me ngā kaupapa e tautoko ana i ngā hapori Māori hoki, kei te pōwhiritia e matou te tuku i ngā tono i raro i tō mātou pūnaha tuku pūtea arowhānui.

  • Be by Maōri for Māori
  • Have practical positive outcomes for Māori
  • Utilise a kaupapa Māori approach
  • Contribute to the fulfilment for Māori aspirations to live as Māori
  • Actively participate as citizens of the world; and to enjoy good health/wellbeing and a high standard of living
  • Ensure Māori participation in decision-making
  • Provide for long-term sustainability of outcomes

As part of a strategic granting scheme, He Rau Aroha is focussed on supporting Māori-led initiatives that specifically serve & support Mana Whenua, Taura Here and other Māori communities in the Wellington region. For Bi-cultural and other organisations we welcome applications under our general granting for initiatives that support Māori communities as well.