The Combined Community Trusts biennial conference will be hosted in 2018 by Trust Waikato. This is one of the most important activities on the Combined Community Trusts calendar and is an opportunity to focus on critical issues of local, national and international philanthropic interest and importance as we partner communities and organisations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
The 12 Combined Community Trusts of New Zealand are the custodians of over 3.5 billion dollars of investments and collectively grant approximately 100 million dollars back into thousands of organisations throughout New Zealand each year.
Following on from ‘Today’s seed is tomorrow’s forest’ in 2016, our conference theme is Hikitia ki te wero, which translates to ‘Rising to the challenge’. As Community Trusts we will explore how we collectively need to identify these challenges, engage with our communities, strategically plan to grow and rise to meet these challenges head on.