Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Raukawa ki Uta, Raukawa ki Tai ngā iwi
Diane Tunoho is a long time resident of Petone having moved there as a child with her whānau in the early 1960’s. While she has resided in other areas of the Hutt Valley, Petone is where Diane calls home and has become a permanent resident since buying her home in 2003.
Diane (BMM, Higher Dip Teaching) has a strong background in education, teaching in both the primary and tertiary sectors since 1990. She began her teaching career in the primary sector before moving to the role as Deputy Director of Poumana Mātauranga Whakaakoranga (a pre-service teaching programme) at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Diane returned to the primary sector in 2002 and continues to work as a Resource Teacher of Māori based at Te Kura Māori o Porirua. In this role, Diane provides professional development and support to kaiako teaching in Māori Medium in the Porirua to Ōtaki region. She is an actve member of the National Association of Resource Teachers Advisory Māori and currently shares responsibility for managing their financial portfolio.
Diane’s interests include te reo Māori and tikanga Māori and attends wānanga regularly. Her whānau and iwi are her main foci and she has particular interest in whakapapa that enables her to better understand her tribal connections to others.