On 6 July over 100 people gathered at the Circus Hub in Newtown to celebrate the successes of the past year and hear about Wellington Community Trust’s (WCT) future plans.

Attendees at the 2016 Annual Public Meeting

More than 50 community groups that received funding from WCT were represented together with investment partners, trustees, suppliers, funding colleagues and others who all help our work to make a positive impact throughout the Wellington region.

How we celebrated – circus and dance

The Annual Public Meeting was hosted by the Wellington Circus Trust who provided a wonderful welcome. They, together with the New Zealand School of Dance, put on some great entertainment that had the crowd gasping and clapping.

Performers from Wellington Youth Circus and the New Zealand School of Dance

Performers from Wellington Youth Circus and the New Zealand School of Dance provided the entertainment. From left to right: Gaia Smith, Samuel Hall (NZ School of Dance), Laila Smith and The Boomtown Okrabats (Steph Hobbs and Richard Martin).


The evening concluded with a chance for everyone to meet the trustees and staff, catch up with old friends and colleagues, and meet new ones.

Guests enjoying conversation at the 2016 Annual Public Meeting

Photos: Stephen Gibbs